Event description

The #VARTOZHYTY Foundation team and the Wix IT Company community invite you to join Wix City Cross and in such an unusual way help us change the lives of cancer patients in Ukraine.

Everyone who loves running and participates in the event —  you fill your favorite sport with a very important meaning —  you run in support of a free line of psychological assistance for cancer patients and their loved ones within all-Ukrainian call center #VARTOZHYTY.


Volodymyrska Hirka (next to Triohsvyatytelska Street / monument to Dante)


July 31, 2021

Meet - 8:00 p.m.

Start - 9:00

Finish - about 10:30

80% of the routes are under trees shades, we will provide you with water, so the heat will not be an obstacle for true benefactors.

For more details and registration please follow the link
